As mobile devices get more and more complex, the component used become smaller and smaller. With the launch of the new LTE Test (U)SIM supporting the 3FF, also know as Micro-SIM or Mini-UICC, COMPRION is responding to this trend. The LTE Test (U)SIM in the Mini-UICC format is only half size of a regular Plug-In card and can be used in very small mobile devices. The format is changed from 15 x 25 mm to 12 x 15mm
To ensure backwards compatibility to the Plug-In format, COMPRION also offers a Mini-UICC Adapter to turn the Mini-UICC into the Plug-In format. Hence, the Mini-UICC can also be used in today’s mobile phones.
Its interesting to see that the new SIM is around half the size of the original and provides the same functionality. Sign of devices and components evolving.
参考:3g 4g wireless blog
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