New Standard and competition to Femtocells nd Bluetooth
Some suggesting that WiFi is just a filler till Femtocells become prevalent and others suggested that in future all devices would with 3g/HSPA/LTE/4G enabled so there may be no need for wifi.
The new Wi-Fi Direct (Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer) standard that is supposed to make wifi devices easier to operated with other wifi devices.
There is an interesting piece in PC World that compares Bluetooth 4.0 with Wi-Fi Direct. I am sure soon bothe these camps would be listing the merit of their standards and dissing the other one. According to the Register (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/26/wi_fi_direct/), Bluetooch never really took off in the US. They think Wi-Fi has bigger clout and this would translate to WiFI Direct success.
One of the strong arguments in the favour of Femtocell is the seamless roaming. With Wi-Fi direct you may be able to seamless connect to various Wi-Fi devices and Access points. This certainly counts big time in their favour.
However, the security options for Wi-FI direct is still open issue.
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