May 17, 2014

1835: The Birth of the Telegraph



   邮船在浩翰的大西洋上破浪前进,船尾上空飞着海鸥。这种例行的远航大多是枯燥无味的。旅客们或是聊天、下棋,或是在甲板上眺望无边的大海,消磨时光。一 天傍晚,旅客们正在餐厅里准备进餐,被一个年轻旅客的演说吸引住了。这位青年名叫查尔斯•杰克逊,他是美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的医生,但是对电学研究却有浓 厚的兴趣。当时,电磁感应刚发现不久,人们对一切有关电磁的现象都觉得新奇。杰克逊向大家展示了一个名叫电磁铁的新装置。这是一个上面绕着绝缘铜线的马蹄 形铁块,当铜线通电的时候,马蹄形铁块就产生了磁性。杰克逊用孩子般的热情滔滔地解说着。  


(Then came the turning point in the life of Samuel Morse. In the autumn of 1832, while travelling home by ship, Samuel Morse joined a conversation with a few scientists scientific men who were on board. One of the passengers asked this question: "Is the velocity of electricity reduced by the length of its conducting wire?" One of the men replied that electricity passes instantly over any known length of wire and referred to Franklin's experiments with several miles of wire, in which no appreciable time elapsed between a touch at one end and a spark at the other.
This was the seed of knowledge that led the mind of Samuel Morse to invent the telegraph.)

   青年医生的话不时被打断,餐厅里响起一阵欢呼和热烈的议论。最后,演说家被大家抬了起来。人们都被一种神奇的幻想陶醉了。谁也没有注意到,听众中有一个 皮肤黝黑的中年男子,一言不发地望着讲台,两眼闪烁着异样的光芒。夕阳映照在他的脸上,象火在燃烧。他的心也在燃烧。他就是四十一岁的美国画家塞缪尔•莫 尔斯。   



   可是,莫尔斯却好象换了一个人。在船靠近码头的时候,他忽然对船长说:“先生,不久你就可以见到神奇的‘电报’啦,请记住,它是在你的‘萨丽’号上发明 的呀!”他提着画箱走下邮船,步履坚定,神情庄严。杰克逊那天傍晚的一席话改变了莫尔斯的一生。从此以后,写生画、肖像画不再是莫尔斯的主要兴趣。他告别 艺术,投身到科学领域里去。画家在写生簿上端端正正地写下了“电报”两个字,立志要完成用电传递信息的伟大使命。


   莫尔斯遇到的最大困难,是他对电和磁的知识几乎一窍不通。但是他一点也不动摇,决心从头学起。经过半年的刻苦学习,莫尔斯初步掌握了电磁原理。特别是美 国物理学家亨利一年以前提出的电报原理,对莫尔斯有很大启发。亨利用电磁铁做成电铃,可以把信号传到1.6公里远的地方。这实际是“电磁音响式电报机”的 最早模型。莫尔斯决定采用亨利的原理,进行深入的实验。      
図 モールス信号の仕組み

  画家买来各种电工器材和工具,在家里夜以继日地干起来。从前的小 画室变成了地道的实验室,到处都是线圈、磁石和导线。他的写生簿也涂满了各式各样的方案和草图。莫尔斯的全部生活和希望都凝聚在这个小小的实验室里了。夜 幕笼罩着城市,只有他实验室里的灯火常常彻夜不熄。冬尽春来,秋去冬至。他画了一张又一张草图,进行了一个又一个试验,但是每次都以失败而告 终。   



   多少个不眠之夜过去了,莫尔斯终于找到了问题的症结:踩着别人的脚印是不能走在前面的,必须寻找新路!经过反复思考,一个崭新的思想酝酿成熟了。莫尔斯 的这个构思,是电报发明史上一项重大的突破。莫尔斯设想用点、划和空白的组合来表示字母,只要发出两种电符号,就能够传送消息。这就大大简化了设计和装 置。莫尔斯规定了特定的点、划、空白组合,表示各个字母和数字,这就是著名的莫尔斯电码,也是电信史上最早的编码。

  1844年五月二 十四日,人类通信史上的庄严时刻到来了。这一天,华盛顿沉浸在节日般的气氛中。在国会大厦联邦最高法院会议厅里,莫尔斯向应邀前来的几位科学家、政府人士 介绍了实验原理,而盖尔等候在六十四公里外的巴尔的摩。大厅外面观众云集,人们怀着极大的兴趣来观看“用导线传递消息”的奇迹。几年以前嘲讽过莫尔斯的那 两个人也赶来了,他们万万没有想到“丑小鸭”飞上了蓝天,变成人人赞美的“白天鹅”。

  在预定的时间,莫尔斯接通电报机,用一连串的点、划——也就是到今天还在使用的莫尔斯 电码,开始发出电文,盖尔成功的接收到历史上第一份电报:“上帝创造了何等的奇迹!”   



May 11, 2014

How to configure Multicast on the switch

IP multicast allows a host to send packets to a subset of all hosts (group transmission). These hosts are known as group members.

Routers executing a multicast routing protocol, such as Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), maintain forwarding tables to forward multicast datagrams. Routers use the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) to learn whether members of a group are present on their directly attached subnets. Hosts join multicast groups by sending IGMP report messages.

The basic steps to configure IP multicast routing

Step 1: Enable ip multicast routing

 SW(config)# ip multicast-routing

Step 2: Enable PIM on an Interface

 SW(config-if)# ip pim sparse-mode
 SW(config-if)# ip pim dense-mode 

Step  3: Configuring RP
If you configure PIM to operate in sparse mode, you must also choose one or more routers to be rendezvous points (RPs). You need not configure the routers to be RPs; they learn how to become RPs themselves.

There are types RPs: non auto and auto

Configure a non-auto RP
 ip pim rp-address rp-address

Configure a auto RP:
 announcing the RP and the group range it serves:
 ip pim send-rp-announce type number scope ttl-value [group-list access-list] [interval seconds]

assigning the RP mapping agent:
 ip pim send-rp-discovery scope ttl-value 

 If you configure PIM in sparse mode or sparse-dense mode and do not configure Auto-RP, you must statically configure an non-auto RP

 Use the ip pim autorp listener command with interfaces configured for PIM sparse mode operation in order to establish a network configuration where Auto-RP operates in PIM dense mode and multicast traffic can operate in sparse mode, bidirectional mode, or source specific multicast (SSM) mode


The following example enables IP multicast routing and the Auto-RP listener feature on a router. It also configures the router as a Candidate RP for the multicast groups through
ip multicast-routing
ip pim autorp listener

ip pim send-rp-announce Loopback0 scope 16 group-list 1
ip pim send-rp-discovery Loopback1 scope 16
access-list 1 permit

IP is particularly suited for multimedia applications that involve multiple participants. Issue the following show commands from the CLI to verify multicast configurations on your devices:

Switch# show ip pim rp
Switch# show ip mroute

Configuring IP Multicast Routing: